Manuel de gestion du patrimoine routier
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3.3.11 References

AASHTO 2013. Transportation Asset Management Guide – A focus on Implementation. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C.

CIPFA 2010. Code of Practice on Transport Infrastructure Assets. Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.

PIARC 2003.  Indicators for Bridge Performance and Prioritization of Bridge Actions, Committee on Bridges and Other Structures, ISBN 2-84060-161-3 (

PIARC 2005.  Evaluation and funding of road maintenance in PIARC member countries, Committee on Financing and Economic Evaluation, ISBN 2-84060-182-6 (

PIARC 2008-a.  Asset management practice, Committee on Management of Road Infrastructure Assets (4.1), ISBN 284060-211-3 (

PIARC 2008-b.  Indicators representative of the condition of geotechnical structures for road asset management, Committee on Earthworks, Drainage and Subgrade (4.5), ISBN: 2-84060-301-6 (

TAC 2015. Synthesis of Asset Management Best Practices for Canada. Transportation Association of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario



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