Manuel de gestion du patrimoine routier
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1.3.4 Références

AASHTO, Transportation Asset Management Guide—A Focus on Implementation. January 2011. Last accessed May 2017,

AASHTO, The AASHTO TAM Portal, Last accessed May 2017,

Department for Transport (DfT), Highways Maintenance Capital Funding, Self-assessment questionnaire for incentive fund, United Kingdom,,

Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) The International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM), 5th edition, January 2015

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 55000:2014 Asset management -- Overview, principles and terminology.

Transport Research Board (TRB), NCHRP Report 750: Strategic Issues Facing Transportation, Volume 6: The Effects of Socio-Demographics on Future Travel Demand, Last accessed May 2017.

PIARC 2013. Maintenance methods and strategies, D.2 Road Pavements, PIARC Paris France, ISBN : 978-2-84060-323-8, (,2013R08-EN.pdf).

PIARC 2014. The importance of road maintenance, ISBN : 978-2-84060-349-8, (,2014R02EN.pdf).

PIARC 2016. Assessment of budgetary needs and optimisation of maintenance strategies for multiple assets of road network, Technical Committee 4.1 Management of Road Infrastructure Assets, ISBN : 978-2-84060-378-8, (,2016R04EN.pdf).

PIARC 2017. Management of road assets: Balancing of environmental and engineering aspects in management of road networks, Technical Committee 4.1 Management of Road Infrastructure Assets, ISBN : 978-2-84060-455-6, (,2017R05EN.pdf)

United Kingdom Roads Liaison Group (UKRLG) and Highways Maintenance Efficiency Programme (HMEP). 2013. Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document. Department for Transport, London. Last accessed December 28, 2016,



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