Asset Management Manual
A guide for practitioners!

You are here Quality control/quality assurance

It is important to ensure the quality of data during its collection. Quality control and assurance is important during all stages and processes including pre-survey calibration, during the survey, validation, daily checks, continuous monitoring of equipment and results, correct processing, and the storing and securing of data.

A detailed quality management plan (QMP) should be prepared for the data collection. The QMP is expected to ensure that the acquisition of the required data meets the road organization’s needs and specifications. The QMP has to address, among other considerations, the following issues:

  • Equipment: This includes equipment/system design, specification, and configuration and compliance monitoring;
  • Survey procedures: This involves the handling of work zones and narrow roads, weather or traffic conditions, speed conditions, etc.;
  • Data processing and data management: This refers to the data processing procedures and algorithms;
  • Health and safety aspects: This refers to safety compliance and traffic management procedures;
  • Data display: This involves visual monitoring of the system outputs;
  • Data backup: This involves ensuring that data is backed up regularly; and
  • Calibration and validation manuals: This involves summarizing the calibration and validation procedures.
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