Asset Management Manual
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4.2.1 Internal management and delivery of the asset management plan (AMP)

Asset management requires high-level and abstract attributes such as long-term vision and strategic goals. It involves detailed information such as the fields of data used for asset inventory and condition databases. To carry out the AMP, road organization employees (Iowa DOT, 2014, Transport asset management) and vendors must understand not only the long-term vision but also the detailed technical requirements of providing the data, conducting the asset assessments, programming the correct projects, and conducting the proper maintenance to achieve the long-term vision. A communication plan and effort can serve an important coordination function. This effort can provide motivation, note accomplishments, maintain momentum, and enhance the breadth, depth, and effectiveness of implementation in the organization.

The personal involvement of the leader can be an important component of the communication effort. Effective communication includes both formal and informal communication, with the informal communication often being the most effective since information is transferred and conveyed in a more freely and quicker way. When employees see the personal engagement of the leader in the asset management implementation effort, it reinforces the importance of and communicates the commitment of the leadership to asset management. It is essential that staff understand that they have a role and what their respective responsibilities are with regard to moving asset management efforts forward.


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