Asset Management Manual
A guide for practitioners!

You are here Asset data

Asset data for lifecycle planning should be available from the organization via an asset management system, asset register, or maintenance management system (see section 4.1). Typically, the following is required to develop lifecycle plans:

  • Inventory (road lengths, widths, and construction, including surfacing and sublayers)
  • Performance (including asset condition)
  • Routine maintenance (including reactive and cyclical maintenance activities)
  • Treatment options (including their historic performance and cost)

The data requirements for lifecycle planning should be identified as part of the overall approach (see section 2.1). This may require specific data to be collected for relevant asset groups and their components.

The reliability, quality, and quantity of the data available, including inventory data and the historical performance of treatments, should be assessed before developing lifecycle plans. In general, the greater the confidence in the data available, the greater the confidence in the lifecycle plan.

Lifecycle plans should be updated regularly as new asset data becomes available. Plans should also be reviewed against any changes in the approach to asset management.


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